5 Victories over Shaman Champion (Heroic Trial of the Champion).
Author: admin
Has now completed [Victories over Warrior Champion (Heroic Trial of the Champion)] 10 times.
10 Victories over Warrior Champion (Heroic Trial of the Champion).
Has now completed [Victories over Mage Champion (Heroic Trial of the Champion)] 6 times.
6 Victories over Mage Champion (Heroic Trial of the Champion).
Has now completed [Victories over Rogue Champion (Heroic Trial of the Champion)] 5 times.
5 Victories over Rogue Champion (Heroic Trial of the Champion).
Earned the achievement [Leading the Cavalry].
Earned the achievement Leading the Cavalry for 30 points.
Опубликована стенограмма чата с разработчиками
Несколько дней назад разработчики из компании Blizzard Entertainment провели в социальной сети Twitter чат с игроками MMORPG World Of Warcraft, темой которого стал патч "Падение Короля-лича" и подземелье Цитадели Ледяной короны. Кроме этого, вопросы пользователей коснулись многочисленных изменений игрового баланса, механики и событий, связанных с выходом дополнения Cataclysm.
Сегодня стенограмма чата была опубликована на официальных русскоязычных форумах WoW. Из нее вы узнаете об изменениях эмблем в грядущем дополнении; переработке стартовых локаций существующих рас и даже о том, введут ли разработчики в игру ездового лося, опрометчиво обещанного игрокам в предыдущем чате.
Читать далее ![]() |
В: Что вы думаете о системе эмблем в текущем дополнении? О. Эмблем сейчас чересчур много. Наверное, нам реально стоило бы остановиться на двух типах эмблем, соответствующих актуальному уровню и предыдущему (как например, сейчас были бы эмблемы льда и триумфа). Кроме того, даже с выходом 3.3 нужно было тратить уйму времени на то, чтобы собрать необходимое количество эмблем льда, и только позже стали доступны иные пути их получения. В: А когда приблизительно планируется менять модели совуха и дерева у друидов? В: Бой с Валитрией Сноходицей изначально планировалось сделать таким «веселым и интересным» для лекарей? Будут ли еще подобные сражения? В: Есть ли у Blizzard планы на счет «веселых» бонусных эффектов и для лекарей, а не только для бойцов? В: Будут ли изменены стартовые локации существующих рас, чтобы придать им немного «эпичности», как в случае с гоблинами и воргенами? В: Ограничений на количество эмблем нет, но они есть в отношении очков чести. Собираетесь ли вы убрать их или повысить? В тестовом игровом мире с обновлением 3.3.3 обнаружились неанонсированные детали некоего «события» (спойлерам нет!). Случится ли это уже в 3.3.3? В: Вы не могли бы поделиться информацией, касательно масштабных изменений Выжженных земель, и как это повлияет на развитие истории? В: В Cataclysm вы планируете выпускать две рейдовые зоны за раз (как Змеиное святилище и Крепость Бурь), или же только одну (например, Наксрамас, Ульдуар)? В. Что случилось с танцами в Wrath of the Lich King, которые так активно обсуждались? В: Где мой лось? Ghostcrawler, ты это видел? В: Затронут ли изменения темных жрецов? |
Heroic Lich King Kill, PTR 3.3.3 Build 11623
Death Knight – The change to Death Grip was "an unintended change as a result of a bug trying to fix something else. Death Grip won't change between 3.3.2 and 3.3.3."
Note about the Celestial Steed – A few people reported that on the official site, Algalon is the last boss of the Vault of Archavon and assume that he will be available in this instance in a later patch. I would say that this is very unlikely, the official dungeons pages are greatly outdated (Ulduar is still shown as an "unknown" raid instance without any information) and this is most likely a very old error.
Update – Updated the PTR Build info.
Patch 3.3.3 – PTR Build 11623
A new build has been deployed on test realms, a couple of things have changed! As usual, these changes are from client data comparison and shouldn't be considered as final until they hit the official patch notes. Make sure you check the latest Patch 3.3.3 Notes Update.
- All You Can Eat (10 player) – Defeat Sindragosa in 10-player mode without any member of your raid receiving more than 5 stacks of Mystic Buffet. (Up from 4 stacks)
- All You Can Eat (25 player) – Defeat Sindragosa in 25-player mode without any member of your raid receiving more than 5 stacks of Mystic Buffet. (Up from 4 stacks)
Companion Pets
- Lil' XT – Right Click to set down or pick up your Lil' XT action figure.
- You can now exchange any Battleground Mark for a Commendation of Service (185 Honor).
Death Knight (Forums / Talent Calculator)
Death Grip now has a 8 yards minimum range.(Unintended – see this post)
- Glyph of Disease now refreshes disease durations and secondary effects of diseases. (= The Icy Talon refresh bug)
Druid (Forums / Talent Calculator)
- Mangle now increases the damage of bleed effects for 1 min. (Up from 12 sec)
- Mangle (Bear) now increases the damage of bleed effects for 1 min. (Up from 12 sec)
- Mangle (Cat) now increases the damage of bleed effects for 1 min. (Up from 12 sec)
Hunter (Forums / Talent Calculator)
Beast Mastery
- Ferocious Inspiration now also increases the damage of Steady Shot by 9%.
Mage (Forums / Talent Calculator)
- Empowered Fire now affects Pyroblast as well.
- Torment the Weak now affects Pyroblast as well.
Priest (Forums / Talent Calculator)
- Item – Priest T10 Healer 4P Bonus – Increases the effect of your Renew and Power Word: Shield spells by 5%. (Old – Your Circle of Healing and Penance spells have a 20% chance to cause your next Flash Heal cast within 6 sec to reset the cooldown on your Circle of Healing and Penance spells.)
Rogue (Forums / Talent Calculator)
- Slaughter from the Shadows now reduces the energy cost of your Backstab and Ambush abilities by 4/8/12/16/20. (Up from 3/6/9/12/15)
- Serrated Blades now causes your attack to ignore up to 3/6/9% of your target's Armor.
Shaman (Forums / Talent Calculator)
- Item – Shaman T8 Elemental 2P Bonus – Increases periodic damage done by your Flame Shock ability by 20%. (Old – The periodic damage dealt by your Flame Shock can now be critical strikes.)
- Item – Shaman T10 Elemental 4P Bonus – Your Lava Burst spell causes your Flame Shock effect on the target to deal at least two additional periodic damage ticks before expiring. (Old – Your Lava Burst spell increases the duration of your Flame Shock effect on the target by 6 sec.)
Warlock (Forums / Talent Calculator)
- Unstable Affliction – Only one Unstable Affliction or Immolate per Warlock can be active on any one target.
- Life Tap – Now converts [ 150% of Spirit + 1490 ] health into [1490 + Spell Power * 0.5 ] mana. (Old – [300% of Spirit + 1490] health into [1490 + Spirit * 3 Mana]
Warrior (Forums / Talent Calculator)
- Revenge damage has been slightly lowered, it now deals [ 31% of AP + 1636 ] to [ 31% of AP + 1998 ] damage at max rank. Down from [ 31% of AP + 2181 ] to [ 31% of AP + 2665 ] damage. (That's still much higher than the live version)
- Improved Revenge now Increases damage of your Revenge ability by 30/60% (up from 10/20%) and causes Revenge to strike an additional target for 50% damage.
- Vitality now increases your total Strength by 2/4/6%, Stamina by 3/6/9% and your Expertise by 2/4/6.
- Trauma now lasts 1 min, up from 15 sec.
The Celestial Steed mount added in 3.3.3 got its own model and looks like an Algalon version of Invincible … At this point I have no idea where the mount drops.
The Celestial Dragon had its model updated with a couple of new effects and looks very nice as well.
The Blazing Hippogryph (TCG reward for the moment, could change) has been updated with a couple of new effect and the model used for Tiger bosses in Zul'gurub got a new texture, most ilkely used in the Echo Isles during the Cataclysm prologue event.
Obtained [Relentless Gladiator’s Treads of Alacrity].
Obtained [Relentless Gladiator's Treads of Alacrity]. (Equipped)
Has now completed [Lich King escapes (Heroic Halls of Reflection)] 7 times.
7 Lich King escapes (Heroic Halls of Reflection).
Has now completed [Marwyn kills (Heroic Halls of Reflection)] 6 times.
6 Marwyn kills (Heroic Halls of Reflection).