Ruby Sanctum – Info Compilation / Preview

Ruby Sanctum – Info Compilation / Preview [Spoiler]
Most of the Ruby Sanctum have been pushed in this patch and it looks like I have enough data in my hands for a small preview. As usual keep in mind that:

  • This is only a preview based on game files, I could be wrong on a few things.
  • Ruby Sanctum isn't even scheduled for release for Patch 3.3.3, it will be added with Patch 3.3.5 and a LOT of things can change in so much time.

Official Description

Quote from: Zarhym (Source)
As we prepare for the public testing phase of minor content patch 3.3.3, some players might come across information regarding upcoming content that isn't yet available. To avoid any confusion, we'd like to tell you about an exciting new raid dungeon we are working on for content patch 3.3.5.

The Ruby Sanctum

A powerful war party of the Black Dragonflight, led by the fearsome Twilight dragon, Halion, have launched an assault upon the Ruby Sanctum beneath Wyrmrest Temple. By destroying the sanctum, the Black Dragonflight look to crush those that would stand in the way of their master’s reemergence into Azeroth and to ultimately shatter the Wyrmrest Accord – the sacred bond that unites the dragonflights.

The battle that is to come will surely deal a crippling blow to the Red Dragonflight, however, it is up to you to stop this unprecedented offensive and defend the Ruby Sanctum. First you must face the assault of Halion's servants, Saviana Ragefire, Baltharus the Warborn, and General Zarithrian, before squaring off against Halion the Twilight Destroyer, a new and deadly force in this realm.

The Ruby Sanctum will feature 10- and 25-player content, Heroic difficulties and all-new rewards! Stay tuned for more information as we get closer to its release.

More Details on the instance / Loot Table by Zarhym

Quote from: Zarhym (Source)
  • Number 2. The lieutenants are sub-bosses which will each drop an Emblem of Frost. Halion is the main boss. While the activation of Heroic difficulty is different from the Obsidian Sanctum, the overall raid format for the Ruby Sanctum is very comparable.
  • You're likely to find some random pieces of armor on par with Lich King loot, similar to the items Onyxia dropped while Trial of the Crusader was the top-tier raid. You can also expect to see some more trinkets and things of that nature.
  • This raid will not only provide a bit of additional content to pair with the current content of patch 3.3, it will be the beginning of an advancement in the storyline for Cataclysm.
  • The plan is to have a normal mode and a heroic mode just like Icecrown Citadel, so far there is no plan for a Sartharion +1/+2/+3-like encounter.

Instance Screenshots (Non Official)

Boss Screenshots

World Map and Loading Screen

Ruby Sanctum Loot
Apparently, these spells will be used on trinkets dropped in the instance. They are only the proc and you should keep in mind that they will have additional stats just like any other trinket.

Halion Supposed Skills
These abilities are probably used by Halion. There isn't any way to confirm that before Patch 3.3.5 is deployed on live or PTR servers but they seem to be the only skills with hard mode versions. Assuming that you won't be able to activate the heroic mode on the mini-bosses, these skills are most likely used by Halion.

Keep in mind that this is only a theory based on the game files.









Meteor Strike Deals…

Драйверы от NVIDIA тормозят игры Blizzard

Драйверы 196.75 от NVIDIA наносят серьезный удар по количеству кадров в секунду (FPS) в играх компании Blizzard Entertainment, к такому выводу пришел сотрудник ее технической поддержки Datth, объявивший об этом на форумах

«Мы получаем сообщения, в которых пользователи жалуются на скачкообразное снижение количества кадров в секунду после установки этих драйверов. Похоже на то, что это связано с встроенным в драйверы контролем вентилятора охлаждения, не работающим должным образом, что приводит к перегреву видеокарты в трехмерных приложениях. Это касается игр Warcraft 3, World of Warcraft и бета-версии StarCraft 2. Будьте любезны, удалите эти драйверы и сделайте откат к старым».

Более подробную информацию об этой ситуации можно найти на форумах компании NVIDIA.

Categorized as wow news

Начался 4-й этап юбилейного конкурса

С 4 по 11 марта 2010 года пройдет четвертая неделя конкурса от компании Blizzard Entertainment, посвященного 5-й годовщине выхода MMORPG World Of Warcraft. Сюжетом этой недели станет мотто «За орду!», об этом сообщает официальный сайт проекта:

«Настоящим ордынцам не страшны реки крови, а самая сладкая музыка для них – грохот сражения. Отправьте нам свой снимок с гербом Орды, и, возможно, именно вам достанется комплект аксессуаров от SteelSeries: эксклюзивный коврик для мыши QcK, игровая мышь World of Warcraft и наушники Siberia V2».

Юбилейный конкурс от Blizzard Entertainment и компаний J!NX, Gunnar Optiks, NVIDIA, SteelSeries и ASUS проводится в течение пяти недель: каждую неделю объявляется новый сюжет и компания-спонсор. Подробную информацию об условиях конкурса можно найти на официальном сайте World Of Warcraft.

Categorized as wow news

03/04 In-Game Fixes, Blue posts

Recent In-Game Fixes – March 2010 – 3/4
Some of these changes have been around for a while apparently, during the latest PTR update I saw Blood Nova getting a 16 sec cooldown and the duration of Emerald Vigor was increased from 35 to 40 seconds. Instability's duration has been reduced from 8 to 5 seconds.

Quote from: Bornakk (Source)
Listed below are recent fixes we have applied to the game. Keep in mind that some of these changes may not be active until after the realm has been restarted.

To review previous in-game fixes, please visit:


  • In the Lord Marrowgar encounters, the boss will no longer reset threat after a bone storm and will now wait a small amount of time before attacking at the end of a bone storm.
  • In the Deathbringer Saurfang encounters, the boss is now less likely to cast Blood Nova on targets affected by Mark of the Fallen Champion.
  • In both normal and heroic versions of the 10 player Rotface encounter, the mutated infection ability will not be cast as quickly while the fight progresses.
  • In the 10- and 25-player heroic Festergut encounters, the malleable goo ability should no longer target pets.
  • In the Valithria Dreamwalker encounters, the duration of Emerald Vigor and Twisted Nightmares were slightly increased.
  • In the Sindragosa encounters, the duration of the instability debuff was slightly reduced.

Blue posts

Quote from Blizzard staff
Tank Threat Generation
I'm talking philosophy here, because I assume that's usually more interesting to a wider audience. Philosophically, tank threat generation is working correctly (i.e. as we intend) with perhaps 4-5 exceptions that we would like to fix:

1) Paladins can do a little too much AE tanking "splash" damage, often without even setting out to do so.
2) Tricks and MD take too much of a burden off of the tank / hide issue #3.
3) Damage and therefore threat generation aren't scaling well at very high levels of gear. <– this is the big one.
4) There is too much incentive to AE every pull, which puts a burden on the tank to AE tank every pull.
5) You could probably add that bears need a button to hit besides Swipe. (Source)

Overgearing instances
Yeah, overgearing the content is fine. Being able to zerg an instance is one of the fun parts of overgearing. We're not worried about that. But on content at appropriate level, it wouldn't be so bad if *some* of the pulls required more crowd control and single-target damage. (Source)

Warrior (Forums / Talent Calculator)
Warriors AE Threat
I don't think warriors need more sustained AE threat. You have Incite + Deep Wounds for Thunderclap and also Shockwave. Maintaining threat is supposed to take some effort. I don't think tanking would be any more fun if you hit Tclap and never had to hit a button again.

The actual problem, in our minds, is threat scaling. Warriors (and all tanks) could AE tank just fine in Naxxramas.* It only became a problem over time when the dps of the dps classes grew so much more quickly than the tanks, largely because the dps classes have so many dps stats on their gear while plate tanks have Strength. Tank damage was pretty close to 50% of dps damage in the first tier of content, which was our goal, but has slipped to 25 to 30% of dps (your mileage may vary) in Icecrown.

We need a system that keeps tank damage scaling at the same rate as dps damage. However, that system can't be dependent on gear stats (unless you're willing to see tank gear go away) and can't be as ridiculous as deep talents that say "You get 5 AP per point of Strength."

I think you just notice threat issues more on AE pulls because things like Tricks and Misdirect mask any problems on single target pulls. Separate problem.

And yes Paladin tank AE damage and threat generation is still too high, largely because of Seals and HoR, but long-term we're going to nerf that instead of making all tanks able to trivially maintain threat in all situations. Referencing the other thread on threat a little, why as a tank would you even care what buttons you push if maintaining threat is a foregone conclusion?

* – AE tanking was fine in Naxxramas. AE damage was, and has remained, over the top. We prefer a model where the risk of tanking too many mobs is that the tank dies, not that you can't maintain threat on them all (within reasonable limits of course). We also prefer a model where the dps do AE damage on some pulls and switch to single target dps on others. (Source)

Low FPS – NVIDIA 196.75 drivers

Quote from: Datth (Source)
We're getting reports where users are getting intermittent low FPS after installing these drivers. It seems that it is related to the fan control included in these drivers not working correctly and is causing the video card to overheat on 3D applications. This will affect Warcraft 3, World of Warcraft and StarCraft 2 Beta. Please uninstall the drivers and revert back to the older ones.

Windows XP:
Windows XP 64-bit:
Windows Vista/7 32-bit:
Windows Vista/7 64-bit:

More information can be found on threads such as these: