5 Rotface kills (Icecrown 10 player).
Month: April 2010
Has now completed [Deathbringer kills (Icecrown 10 player)] 6 times.
6 Deathbringer kills (Icecrown 10 player).
Has now completed [Gunship Battle victories (Icecrown 10 player)] 7 times.
7 Gunship Battle victories (Icecrown 10 player).
Has now completed [Lady Deathwhisper kills (Icecrown 10 player)] 7 times.
7 Lady Deathwhisper kills (Icecrown 10 player).
Has now completed [Lord Marrowgar kills (Icecrown 10 player)] 7 times.
7 Lord Marrowgar kills (Icecrown 10 player).
Чат с разработчиками пройдет в субботу 17 апреля
Очередной чат с разработчиками из Blizzard Entertainment в сети Twitter пройдет в субботу 17-го апреля 2010 года в 04:00 по московскому времени, об этом сообщил сотрудник по работе с игровым сообществом Slorkuz на официальных русскоязычных форумах MMORPG World Of Warcraft.
В чате примут участие дизайнеры классов, которые ответят на вопросы по поводу недавно опубликованных планов по изменению игровых классов в дополнении Катаклизм. Вопросы нужно задавать в социальной сети Twitter, для участия нужно зарегистрироваться и подписаться на @Warcraft.
Вопросы нужно составлять на английском языке и отправлять с тэгом #BlizzChat в субботу утром с 04:00 до 05:00 по московскому времени. Поскольку на размер ответов в сети Twitter существуют ограничения по количеству знаков, позднее интервью будет опубликовано на русскоязычных форумах. Ознакомиться со стенограммой предыдущего чата можно на форуме World Of Warcraft.
Обзор изменений Паладина в дополнении Катаклизм
На официальных русскоязычных форумах MMORPG World Of Warcraft сотрудник Blizzard Entertainment по работе с немецким сообществом Ulvareth разместил подробную информацию о том, как изменится механика игрового класса Паладин в готовящемся к выходу дополнении Катаклизм.
"В дополнении World of Warcraft: Cataclysm мы собираемся внести множество изменений в таланты и способности различных классов. Ниже вы найдете предварительный обзор изменений паладинов, описания новых высокоуровневых способностей и бонусов от искусности для каждой специализации".
Читать далее |
Новые заклинания паладинов
Слепящий щит (доступно на 81-ом уровне): наносит урон и ослепляет все цели, находящиеся неподалеку. Этот эффект, скорей всего, будет распространяться только на цели, стоящие лицом к щиту паладина, по аналогии со способностью «Сияние» Эдрика Чистого в Колизее во время испытания чемпиона. В ветке «Свет» будет также талант, увеличивающий урон и шанс нанесения критических ударов, а в ветке «Защита» появится талант, который позволит применять это заклинание мгновенно. Базовое время чтения заклинания составит 2 секунды, а для применения потребуется щит. Исцеляющие ладони (доступно на 83-ем уровне): это новое заклинание лечения. Паладин сам начинает излучать свет с исцеляющим эффектом, как тотем исцеляющего потока, с небольшим радиусом воздействия. Тем не менее, паладины смогут читать и другие заклинания лечения, пока эффект от «Исцеляющих ладоней» продолжает действовать. Время восстановления составит 15 секунд, а продолжительность воздействия – 6 секунд. Страж древних королей (доступно на 85-ом уровне): позволяет паладинам временно призвать крылатого стража Света, вооруженного мечом. Визуально это будет похоже на заклинания воскрешения паладинов из Warcraft III. В зависимости от талантов и специализации паладина, у стража будут соответствующие способности. В специализации «Свет» страж будет исцелять самого израненного союзника, находящегося на доступном расстоянии от него. В «Защите» страж будет частично поглощать наносимый урон, а в «Возмездии» – наносить врагам урон, как это делает горгулья, призываемая рыцарями смерти или с помощью Нибелунга. Время восстановления составит 3 минуты, время действия – 30 секунд (может зависеть от типа стража). Далее вы найдете список изменений некоторых заклинаний и способностей паладинов, которые помогут нам улучшить каждую ветку талантов к выходу Cataclysm. Со временем будут внесены и другие изменения, а пока что мы хотели бы поделиться некоторыми из наших идей. Изменения способностей и механики
Новые и измененные таланты
Искусность: пассивные бонусы специализаций «Свет» «Защита» «Возмездие»
На данный момент это все изменения паладинов, планирующиеся к выходу дополнения Cataclysm. Но в ходе дальнейшей разработки появятся и другие нововведения. Мы будем рады услышать ваши отзывы обо всем, что вы узнали в этом обзоре. |
World of Warcraft: Изменения Паладинов в Cataclysm
Blizzard наконец-то рассказала об изменениях, которые произойдут с классом Паладинов в дополнении World of Warcraft: Cataclysm.
Cataclysm Class Preview: Paladin
Update: Added a couple of clarifications at the end of the post
Cataclysm Class Preview: Paladin (Paladin Forum)
New Paladin Spells
Blinding Shield (level 81): Causes damage and blinds all nearby targets. This effect might end up only damaging those facing the paladins shield, in a manner similar to Eadric the Pure's ability Radiance in Trial of the Champion. The Holy tree will have a talent to increase the damage and critical strike chance, while the Protection tree will have a talent to make this spell instant cast. 2-second base cast time. Requires a shield.
Healing Hands (level 83): Healing Hands is a new healing spell. The paladin radiates heals from him or herself, almost like a Healing Stream Totem. It has a short range, but a long enough duration that the paladin can cast other heals while Healing Hands remains active. 15-second cooldown. 6-second duration.
Guardian of Ancient Kings (level 85): Summons a temporary guardian that looks like a winged creature of light armed with a sword. The visual is similar to that of the Resurrection spell used by the paladin in Warcraft III. The guardian has a different effect depending on the talent spec of the paladin. For Holy paladins, the guardian heals the most wounded ally in the area. For Protection paladins, the guardian absorbs some incoming damage. For Retribution paladins, it damages an enemy, similar to the death knight Gargoyle or the Nibelung staff. 3-minute cooldown. 30-second duration (this might vary depending on which guardian appears).
Next you will find a list of some of the paladin spell and ability changes, followed by our intentions for improving each talent tree for the release of Cataclysm. There will be further changes, but those revealed below should offer some insight into our goals.
Changes to Abilities and Mechanics
- Crusader Strike will be a core ability for all paladins, gained at level 1. We think the paladin leveling experience is hurt by not having an instant attack. Retribution will be getting a new talent in its place that either modifies Crusader Strike or replaces it completely.
- Cleanse is being rebalanced to work with the new dispel system. It will dispel defensive magic (debuffs on friendly targets), diseases, and poisons.
- Blessing of Might will provide the benefit of Wisdom as well. If you have two paladins in your group, one will do Kings on everyone and the other will do Might on everyone. There should be much less need, and ideally no need, to provide specific buffs to specific classes.
- Holy Shock will be a core healing spell available to all paladins.
New Talents and Talent Changes
- We want to ease off the defensive capabilities of Retribution and Holy paladins slightly. We think the powerful paladin defenses have been one of the things holding Retribution paladins back, especially in Arenas. One change were considering is lowering Divine Shields duration by a couple of seconds. Having said that, Retribution does pretty well in Battlegrounds, and Battlegrounds will be a much bigger focus in Cataclysm since they can provide the best PvP rewards. Furthermore, the healing environment of Cataclysm is going to be different such that a paladin may not be able to fully heal themselves during the duration of Divine Shield to begin with, so this may not be a problem.
- We feel Retribution paladins need one more mechanic which involves some risk of the player pushing the wrong button, making the rotation a bit less forgiving. In addition, we want to add to this spec more PvP utility. Right now the successes of the Retribution paladin in PvP seem to be reduced to either doing decent burst damage, or just being good at staying alive.
- We want to increase the duration of Sacred Shield to 30 minutes and keep the limit to one target. The intention is that the paladin can use it on their main healing target. That said, we would like to improve the Holy paladin toolbox and niche so that they dont feel quite like the obvious choice for tank healing while perceived as a weak group healer.
- We want to add to the Holy tree a nice big heal to correspond with Greater Heal. Flash of Light remains the expensive, fast heal and Holy Light is the go-to heal that has average efficiency and throughput. Beacon of Light will be changed to work with Flash of Light. We like the ability, but want paladins to use it intelligently and not be constantly healing for twice as much.
- Holy paladins will use spirit as their mana regeneration stat.
- Protection paladins need a different rotation between single-target and multi-target tanking. Likewise, we're looking to add the necessity to use an additional cooldown in each rotation.
- Holy Shield will no longer have charges. It will be designed to improve block chance while active, and will continue to provide a small amount of damage and threat.
Mastery Passive Talent Tree Bonuses
- Healing
- Meditation
- Critical Healing Effect
Meditation: This is the spirit-to-mana conversion that the priest, druid, and shaman healers also share.
Critical Healing Effect: When the paladin gets a crit on a heal, it will heal for more.
- Damage Reduction
- Vengeance
- Block Amount
Vengeance: This is the damage-received-to-attack-power conversion that all tanks share.
Block Amount: We want to keep the kit of the paladin as a tank who blocks a lot. So by contrast, the warrior tank will sometimes get critical blocks, but the paladin will absorb more damage with normal blocks.
- Melee Damage
- Melee Critical Damage
- Holy Damage
Holy Damage: Any attack that does Holy damage will have its damage increased.
This concludes this Cataclysm preview for the paladin class. The development of these changes will continue to evolve in the coming months. Please be sure to provide any feedback and thoughts you might have on what was covered here.
Here's a bit more clarification on some of these changes. Also, please keep in mind that this is merely a preview and we'll still have more to go in testing up to and including any other changes that aren't listed here in the preview.
We've updated the Flash of Light reference to make it a bit more clear in the original post as follows.
- Flash of Light remains a fast heal, but will be more expensive to justify the cast speed. Holy Light will be the go-to heal that has average efficiency and throughput. Beacon of Light needs to be changed so that its benefit is letting the paladin heal two targets at once, not letting the paladin get two heals for the mana cost of one. Its intended to save GCDs and targeting time, not mana.
In addition were changing the paladin heal design to match that of the other healers. Holy Light is the middle heal. Its very efficient, but not particularly fast and doesnt have a lot of throughput. Flash of Light will be the faster heal that costs more mana. (Currently paladins sort of flip the model around by having a fast, efficient heal.) Holy paladins can talent into an additional heal that is like a giant Holy Light. It might take three of these big heals (or two crits) to get a tank from deaths door back to 100% health.
Currently on live, Beacon of Light is a tool that allows paladins to target more than just the main tank. In Cataclysm if it just doubles their healing, it is going to be overpowered. We have two ways we might handle this and well experiment to see which feels better. The first is that Beacon only works on some heals, such as Flash of Light or Holy Light (but not the big one). An alternative idea is that Beacon increases the mana cost of a heal cast on a beaconed target, since youre essentially getting a double heal. Under this model, Beacon itself would cost no mana.
Also on the live realms currently, paladins have huge mana pools and massive throughput. The trade-off is that they are excellent single target healers and much weaker in other roles. We want paladins to be slightly more interchangeable with other healers. In Cataclysm, you should be able to have a Holy priest on the tank and a Holy paladin on the raid. Were not sure well back off of the current healing roles completely, but we definitely want to add more breadth to those whose roles are currently too narrow.
As for the Guardian of Ancient Kings. First, it's important to understand that this is not a pet nor does it have a pet bar associated with it. Second, it's also not meant to last for very long. So, it's not a pet in the traditional sense. It's a friend in need when you need it, but not a permanent companion.
World of Warcraft: Гора Хиджал в дополнении Cataclysm
В преддверии выхода World of Warcraft: Cataclysm Blizzard рассказывает не только об изменениях в классах персонажей, но и о локациях.