Assault on the Ruby Sanctum – Patch 3.3.5

Assault on the Ruby Sanctum – Patch 3.3.5

Quote from: Zarhym (Source)
As we prepare for the public testing phase of minor content patch 3.3.3, some players might come across information regarding upcoming content that isn't yet available. To avoid any confusion, we'd like to tell you about an exciting new raid dungeon we are working on for content patch 3.3.5.

The Ruby Sanctum

A powerful war party of the Black Dragonflight, led by the fearsome Twilight dragon, Halion, have launched an assault upon the Ruby Sanctum beneath Wyrmrest Temple. By destroying the sanctum, the Black Dragonflight look to crush those that would stand in the way of their master’s reemergence into Azeroth and to ultimately shatter the Wyrmrest Accord – the sacred bond that unites the dragonflights.

The battle that is to come will surely deal a crippling blow to the Red Dragonflight, however, it is up to you to stop this unprecedented offensive and defend the Ruby Sanctum. First you must face the assault of Halion's servants, Saviana Ragefire, Baltharus the Warborn, and General Zarithrian, before squaring off against Halion the Twilight Destroyer, a new and deadly force in this realm.

The Ruby Sanctum will feature 10- and 25-player content, Heroic difficulties and all-new rewards! Stay tuned for more information as we get closer to its release.

Правительство утвердило Burning Crusade на территории Китая

Дополнение World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade было окончательно утверждено китайской администрацией по работе с прессой и публикациями GAPP (General Administration of Press and Publication), вследствие чего долгая и трудная борьба оператора WoW в Китае – компании Netease – увенчалась кратковременным успехом. Об этом сообщает Digital East Asia со ссылкой на 4 миллиона китайских игроков в World of Warcraft, находившихся в роли заложников ситуации с середины прошлого года, могут, наконец, вздохнуть спокойно – по крайней мере, в данный момент.

GAPP разместила очень краткое сообщение, в котором объявила о том, что, поскольку, Inc. «внесла необходимые коррективы по исправлению положения», ей снова выдана лицензия для проведения операций с World of Warcraft на территории Китая.

Наибольшим за последний месяц Интернет-мемом в Китае стал созданный поклонниками игры фильм в семи частях о похождениях World of Warcraft, пародирующий всех участников драмы: Netease, The9, администрацию GAPP и китайское министерство культуры.

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Объявлен конкурс от Gunnar Optiks

Продолжается серия конкурсов, устраиваемых компанией Blizzard Entertainment в честь 5-й годовщины выхода «короля MMORPG» World Of Warcraft, об этом сообщает официальный сайт проекта. На этой неделе игрокам (и не только) предлагается показать, «как сильно они любят Альянс»: нужно сделать фотографию самого себя, взяв в руки соответствующий герб, и выслать ее в Blizzard.

Призы для этой части конкурса выделит компания-спонсор Gunnar Optiks, которая вручит 25 победителям очки РРК, «позволяющие игрокам зорко следить за своими противниками в любом месте и в любое время». Кроме этого, в качестве поощрения все присланные на конкурс фотографии займут свое место в мозаике «Боевой крик».

Подробная информация об условиях конкурса, который продлится до 24 февраля 2010 года, находится на специальной странице официального сайта World Of Warcraft. Там же можно скачать логотип Альянса, без которого вашу работу к участию не примут.

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Patch 3.3.x = Ruby Sanctum?

Next Raid Encounter will probably be the Ruby Sanctum
There is a nice interview of Tom Chilton (Kalgan) on We learn a couple of new things here, including an almost-confirmed upcoming single-boss raid encounter: The Ruby Sanctum in the Chamber of Aspects under the Wyrmrest Temple.

  • The Dungeon Finder tool might be extended "at the very least" to 10-person raids at some point in the future.
  • The next addition to raid content will probably be a single-boss encounter in the Ruby Sanctum of the Chamber of Aspects. "It’s a little too early to have a lot of details on that, but I wouldn’t characterize it as a huge chunk of content. […] I think of it more as an extension of patch 3.3."

They are the two major announcements of the interview, I suggest that you read the full article on if you want to read the rest, there are a couple of interesting commentaries about Wrath of the Lich King's development after the original release and how it will affect Cataclysm.

Quote from: Kalgan (Source)
Making end-level content more approachable has been another big change for the game. It’s easier to get more powerful badge gear, you created the Dungeon Finder tool, etc. I know there’s always been that hardcore versus casual debate that rages on the WOW forums, where some people hate that stuff and some people love it. How do you feel like the general feedback among WOW players has been?

The general feedback has been positive. We definitely plan to keep going in the direction that we’re going right now. We’re really happy with the Dungeon Finder. I’d like to find a way to extend that at the very least to 10-person raids at some point in the future. There are a lot of complexities with making that work, but anything we can do to alleviate the annoyances or pains associated with players having to arrange their own groups would be great. Being able to extend that into raiding would be awesome if we could do it.

We also have plans to continue making PvP more accessible also. It’s interesting that in Burning Crusade our raiding game was extremely hardcore, and in a lot of ways the PvP was a lot more casual player-friendly. Through the course of Lich King, those have flipped around. A lot of that is just because of the development in our PvE game. We had really aggressive development in solving the problems that we saw in PvE in Burning Crusade as far as making PvE more accessible and easier to get into and more rewarding. Almost simultaneously, PvP either stayed the same or got more hardcore in some ways.

Those flipped roles in Lich King, and we really want to balance them out better than we have before in Cataclysm. We want to continue to advance on that front with PvE, and with PvP we really want to make sure that it feels better-balanced against PvP as far as how much effort it takes to organize stuff and how much reward you get for your time and effort spent.[/b]

For the final question, there’s been some rumors going around and I wanted to clear them up. You guys have wrapped up the main Lich King storyline. Icecrown is out there, which you guys have said is the final major raid for this expansion. But there are some rumors that there might be another content patch of some sort before Cataclysm releases.

That is a possibility. We can’t say for sure at this point, but we are looking into the possibility of having a boss in the Ruby Sanctum, which is another part of Wyrmrest Temple. It’s a little too early to have a lot of details on that, but I wouldn’t characterize it as a huge chunk of content. It’s not a patch 3.4 or anything.